Monte Carlo Moves

A simulation can have an arbitrary number of MC moves operating on molecules, atoms, the volume, or any other parameter affecting the system energy. Moves are specified in the moves section at the top level input. For example:

    - moltransrot: { molecule: water, dp: 2.0, repeat: N,
                    dprot: 1.0, dir: [1,1,0] }
    - volume: { dV: 0.01 }
    - ...

random: { seed: hardware }

The pseudo-random number engine used for MC moves can be seeded in three ways,

seed Description
fixed Deterministic (default if random is absent)
hardware Non-deterministric seed
engine state A previously saved stae

The last option is used to restore the state of the engine as saved along with normal simulation output as a string containing a lenghty list of numbers. If initialization from a previously saved state fails – this may happen if generated on another operating system – a warning is issued and the seed falls back to fixed.

Translation and Rotation

The following moves are for translation and rotation of atoms, molecules, or clusters. The dir keyword restricts translational directions which by default is set to [1,1,1], meaning translation by a unit vector, randomly picked on a sphere, and scaled by a random number in the interval [0, dp]. If dir=[1,1,0] the unit vector is instead picked on a circle (here x, y) and if dir=[0,0,1] on a line (here $z$).


moltransrot Description
molecule Molecule name to operate on
dir=[1,1,1] Translational directions
dirrot=[0,0,0] Predefined axis of rotation
dp Translational displacement parameter
dprot Rotational displacement parameter (radians)
repeat=N Number of repeats per MC sweep. N equals $N_{molid}$ times.

This will simultaneously translate and rotate a molecular group by the following operation

$$ \textbf{r}^N_{trial} = \mbox{Rot}(\textbf{r}^N) + \delta $$

where $\mbox{Rot}$ rotates dprot$\cdot \left (\zeta-\frac{1}{2} \right )$ radians around a random unit vector emanating from the mass center, $\zeta$ is a random number in the interval $[0,1[$, and $\delta$ is a random unit vector scaled by a random number in the interval [0,dp]. A predefined axis of rotation can be specified as dirrot. For example, setting dirrot to [1,0,0], [0,1,0] or [0,0,1] results in rotations about the $x-$, $y-$, and $z-$axis, respectively. Upon MC movement, the mean squared displacement will be tracked.


transrot Description
molecule Molecule name to operate on
dir=[1,1,1] Translational directions
energy_resolution If set to a non-zero value (kT), an energy histogram will be generated.

As moltransrot but instead of operating on the molecular mass center, this translates and rotates individual atoms in the group. The repeat is set to the number of atoms in the specified group and the displacement parameters dp and dprot for the individual atoms are taken from the atom properties defined in the topology. Atomic rotation affects only anisotropic particles such as dipoles, spherocylinders, quadrupoles etc.

An energy histogram of each participating species will be written to disk if the energy_resolution keyword is set. The value (in kT) specifies the resolution of the histogram binning. The analysis is essentially for free as the energies are already known from the move.

Cluster Move

cluster Description
molecules Array of molecule names; [*] selects all
threshold Mass-center threshold for forming a cluster (number or object)
dir=[1,1,1] Directions to translate
dirrot=[0,0,0] Predefined axis of rotation. If zero, a random unit vector is generated for each move event
dprot Rotational displacement (radians)
dp Translational displacement (Å)
single_layer=false If true, stop cluster-growth after one layer around centered molecule (experimental)
satellites Subset of molecules that cannot be cluster centers
com=true Use distance threshold between mass-centers instead of particles when finding clusters
com_shape=true Use mass centers for shape analysis instead of particle positions (affects analysis only)
analysis See below

This will attempt to rotate and translate clusters of molecular molecules defined by a distance threshold between mass centers. The threshold can be specified as a single distance or as a complete list of combinations, see example below. For simulations where small molecules cluster around large macro-molecules, it can be useful to use the satellites keyword which denotes a list of molecules that can be part of a cluster, but cannot be the cluster nucleus or starting point. All molecules listed in satellites must be part of molecules. A predefined axis of rotation can be specified as dirrot. For example, setting dirrot to [1,0,0], [0,1,0] or [0,0,1] results in rotations about the $x-$, $y-$, or $z-$axis, respectively.

The move is associated with bias, such that the cluster size and composition remain unaltered. If a cluster is larger than half the simulation box length, only translation will be attempted.


   molecules: [protein, cations]
   satellites: [cations]
      protein protein: 25
      protein cations: 15
      cations cations: 0
   dp: 3
   dprot: 1
   analysis: {file: cluster_shape.dat.gz}

Using analysis the move also reports on the average cluster size; cluster size distribution; and relative shape anisotropy, $\kappa^2$ as a function of cluster size. If all particles in the cluster are distributed on a sphere then $\kappa^2=0$, while if on a straight line, $\kappa^2=1$. See the polymershape analysis for more information.

analysis Description
com=true Use molecule mass center instead of particle positions for shape anisotropy
file If given save shape properties for each sample event
save_pqr If set to true, save PQR files of cluster, one for each size
interval=10 Interval between samples

Smarter Monte Carlo

Preferential selction of particles can be enabled via the region keyword which instructs some moves to pick particles or groups preferentially from a given region. As described in doi:10/frvx8j a bias is introduced which is automatically accounted for. The preference for sampling inside the region is controlled by p which can be regarded as an outside update probability. If $p=1$ no preferential sampling is performed, whereas if $p<1$, more sampling is done inside the region.

For example:

- moltransrot:
      policy: ellipsoid
      parallel_radius: 5.0
      perpendicular_radius: 4.0
      index1: 10
      index2: 12
      p: 0.2

The available regions are:


The connection vector between two (moving) reference particles defines an ellipsoid centered at the midpoint between the reference particles. The reference particle separation is unimportant, only the direction is used.

policy=ellipsoid Description
p Number (0,1] where a lower number means higher regional sampling
index1 Index of first reference particle
index2 Index of second reference particle
parallel_radius Radius parallel to axis connecting the two references
perpendicular_radius Radius perpendicular to axis connecting the two references
group_com=false Test only mass center of molecular groups

Within Molecule (experimental)

Samples from within a threshold from a molecule type. This can be useful to e.g. preferentially sample solvent molecules around dilute solute molecules. The com keyword is available if the selected molecule has a well-defined mass-center, i.e. if is_atomic=false. It is also possible to use only the mass center for the moved groups by setting group_com.

policy=within_molid Description
p Number (0,1] where a lower number means higher regional sampling
molecule Name of molecule to search around
threshold Distance threshold to any particle in molecule
com=false Use threshold with respect to mass-center of molecule
group_com=false Test with respect to mass center of molecular groups

Internal Degrees of Freedom

Charge Move

charge Description
index Atom index to operate on
dq Charge displacement
quadratic=true Displace linearly along q^2 instead of q

This performs a fractional charge move on a specific atom. The charge displacement can be performed linerly along $q$ or linearly along $q^2$. For the latter the following bias energy will be added to ensure uniform sampling of $q$,

$$ u = k_BT\ln \left ( \left | q^{\prime} / q \right |\right ) $$

Limitations: This move changes the particle charge and therefore cannot be used with splined pair-potentials where the initial charges from are read from atomlist. Instead, use a hard-coded variant like nonbonded_coulomblj etc.

Conformational Swap

conformationswap Description
molecule Molecule name to operate on
repeat=N Number of repeats per MC sweep
keeppos=False Keep original positions of traj
copy_policy=all What to copy from library. See table below.

This will swap between different molecular conformations as defined in the Molecule Properties with traj and trajweight If defined, the weight distribution is respected, otherwise all conformations have equal intrinsic weight. Upon insertion, the new conformation is randomly oriented and placed on top of the mass-center of an exising molecule. That is, there is no mass center movement. If keeppos is activated, the raw coordinates from the conformation is used, i.e. no rotation and no mass-center overlay.

By default all information from the conformation is copied (copy_policy=all), including charges and particle type. To for example copy only positions, use copy_policy=positions. This can be useful when using speciation moves.

copy_policy What is copied
all All particle properties
positions Positions, only
charges Charges, only
patches Spherocylinder patch and length, but keep directions


pivot Description
molecule Molecule name to operate on
dprot Rotational displacement
repeat=N Number of repeats per MC sweep
skiplarge=true Skip too large molecules

Performs a rotation around a random, harmonic bond vector in molecule, moving all atoms either before or after the bond with equal probability. Current implementation assumes unbranched chains with all atoms as links, i.e., no side chains are present. For long polymers (compared to the box size), a large displacement parameter may cause problems with mass center calculation in periodic systems. This can be caught with the sanity analysis and should it occur, try one of the following:

  • enable skiplarge
  • decrease dprot
  • increase the simulation container.

The first option will simply reject troublesome configurations and the final output contains information of the skipped fraction. Skipping is unphysical so make sure the skipped fraction is small.

The default value of repeat is the number of harmonic bonds in the molecule (multiplied by the number of molecules).

Limitations: Chain bonds have to be ordered sequentially in the topology.


crankshaft Description
molecule Molecule name to operate on
dprot Rotational displacement
repeat=N Number of repeats per MC sweep
skiplarge=true Skip too large molecules
joint_max=$\infty$ Maximum number of bonds between randomly selected atoms

Performs a rotation of a chain segment between two randomly selected atoms in the molecule.

The default value of repeat is the number of atoms in the molecule minus two (multiplied by the number of molecules).

Parallel Tempering

temper Description
format=xyzqi Particle properties to copy between replicas (xyzqi, xyzq, xyz)
volume_scale=isotropic How to apply exchanged volumes: z, xy, isotropic, isochoric
nstep=1 Number of sweeps between samples.
partner_policy=oddeven Policy used to create partner pairs (currently only oddeven)

We consider an extended ensemble, consisting of n sub-systems or replicas, each in a distinct thermodynamic state (different Hamiltonians) and with the total energy

$$ U = \sum_i^n\mathcal{H}_i(\mathcal{R}_i) $$

The parallel tempering move performs a swap move where coordinate spaces (positions, volume) between random, neighboring sub-systems, i and j, are exchanged,

$$ \mathcal{R}_i^{\prime} = \mathcal{R}_j \quad \text{and} \quad \mathcal{R}_j^{\prime} = \mathcal{R}_i $$

and the energy change of the extended ensemble, $\Delta U_{i\leftrightarrow j}$, is used in the Metropolis acceptance criteria.

Parallel tempering requires compilation with MPI and the number of replicas, n, exactly matches the number of processes. Each replica prefixes input and output files with mpi0., mpi1., etc. and only exchange between neighboring processes is performed. The move is is performed exactly every nstep Monte Carlo cycle. By default, particle positions (xyz), charge (q), and atom id (i) are exchanged between replicas and can be controlled with format.

Support for fluctuating number of particles, i.e. grand canonical moves is currently untested and should be considered experimental.

Volume Move

volume Description
dV Volume displacement parameter
repeat=1 Number of repeats per MC sweep.
method=isotropic Scaling method: z, xy, isotropic, isochoric

Performs a random walk in logarithmic volume,

$$ V^{\prime} = e^{\ln V + \left (\zeta-\frac{1}{2} \right )\cdot dV } $$

and scales:

  1. molecular mass centers
  2. positions of free atoms (groups with atomic=true)

by $(V^{\prime}/V)^{1/3}$. This is typically used for the $NPT$ ensemble, and for this an additional pressure term should be added to the Hamiltonian. In the case of isochoric scaling, the total volume is kept constant and dV refers to an area change and reported output statistics on volume should be regarded as area. The table below explains the scaling behavior in different geometries:

method Geometry Description
isotropic cuboid Scales x, y, z
isotropic cylinder Scales radius
isotropic sphere Scales radius
z cuboid Scales z, xy untouched.
xy cuboid Scales xy, z untouched.
isochoric cuboid Scales xy/z, const. volume

For cuboidal geometries, the scaling in each of the specified dimensions is $(V^{\prime}/V)^{1/d}$, where $d=3$ for isotropic, $d=2$ for xy, and $d=1$ for z.

Warning: Untested for cylinders, slits.

Gibbs Ensemble (unstable)

Gibbs ensemble can be used to investigate phase transitions by matter and volume exchange between two cells. The examples/gibbs-ensemble/ directory contains a Jupyter Notebook with a worked example of a simple Lennard-Jones system. Multi-component mixtures are supported via the required molecules and molecule keywords which indicate which species are to be affected. Volume and matter exchange are done in separate moves, the latter per species:

  - A: 100, inactive: 50} # note inactive species
  - B: 100, inactive: 50}
  - gibbs_volume: { dV: 1.0, molecules: ["A", "B"] } # exchange volume
  - gibbs_matter: { molecule: "A" } # exchange A molecules
  - gibbs_matter: { molecule: "B" } # exchange B molecules

In addition, you will likely also want to add translational and rotational moves. It is important that each cell can accommodate all particles in the system. This is done by reserving an appropriate number of inactive particles in the initial configuration, see above example. An error is thrown if this criterion is neglected.


Gibbs ensemble requires that Faunus is compiled with MPI support, check with faunus --version, and exactly two processes must be give with e.g. mpirun -np 2.

  • If starting conditions for each cell are identical, use --nopfx and a single input.json file:

    mpirun -np 2 faunus --nopfx --input input.json
  • If input differs, e.g. different initial volumes or number of particles, create two input files, prefixed with mpi0. and mpi1., and skip the --nopfx flag.

  • Reload from existing states by using the --state flag. mpi prefix are automatically added.

Reactive Canonical Monte Carlo

The speciation move handles density fluctuations and particle transformations and is the main move for particle insertion, deletion, and swapping used in (semi)-grand canonical ensembles. A reaction from reactionlist is randomly picked from the topology and is either propagated forward or backward. In Faunus, the total number of atoms and molecules is constant, but these can be either active or inactive. Deleting a molecule simply deactivates it, while insertion vice versa activates an inactive molecule. Thus, it is important that the capacity or reservoir of particles (active plus inactive) is sufficiently large to allow for fluctuations. This is ensured using insertmolecules (see Topology). A runtime warning will be given, should you run low on particles.
Besides deleting/inserting molecules (mono- or polyatomic), the speciation move performs reactions involving a single-atom ID transformation (e.g., acid-base reactions). In this case, an particle of type A (part of a mono- or polyatomic molecule) is randomly picked from the system and all its properties, except its position, are replaced with those of an atom of type B. Such ID transormations can also involve the addition/deletion of molecules or implicit atoms.
For a reaction $$ \sum_i \nu_i M_i = 0 $$ where $M_i$ is the chemical symbol and $\nu_i$ is the stoichiometric coefficient of species $i$ (positive for products and negative for reagents), the contribution of a speciation move to the energy change is $$ \beta \Delta U = - \sum_i \ln{ \left ( \frac{ N_i! }{(N_i+\nu_i)!} V^{\nu_i} \right ) } - \ln{ \prod_i a_i^{\nu_i} }, $$ where $N_i$ is the number of particles of species $i$ in the current state and $a_i$ is the activity of species $i$.

For more information, see the Topology section and doi:10/fqcpg3.

rcmc Description
repeat=1 Average number of moves per sweep


replay Description
file Trajectory file to read (xtc)

Use next frame of the recorded trajectory as a move. The move is always unconditionally accepted, hence it may be used to replay a simulation, e.g., for analysis. Currently only Gromacs compressed trajectory file format (XTC) is supported. Note that total number of steps (macro × micro) should correspond to the number of frames in the trajectory.