
Using Conda

For macOS and Linux x86-64, precompiled binary packages are available via (mini)conda:

conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda install faunus

In addition to the faunus executable, this installs a set of examples in share/faunus, as well as python bindings. To update an existing installation, use

faunus --version      # show version string
conda search faunus   # show (new) revisions
conda upgrade faunus

For the adventurous, sporadically updated development versions can be installed with conda install -c teokem faunus.

Starting from version 2.1, we adhere to semantic versioning.

Building from source code

Faunus is continuously tested on macOS/Linux, but should compile on most unix operating systems and possibly under Cygwin (Windows).


  • CMake 3.11+
  • C/C++14 compiler (Clang 3.5+, GCC 6+, etc.)
  • Python 3.6+ with the following packages:
    • ruamel_yaml or yaml

The following are optional:

  • jinja2
  • pandoc
  • pypandoc
  • BeautifulSoup4
  • Message Passing Interface (MPI)

macOS tip: Apple’s developer tools, Xcode, include clang and CMake can be installed with an Installer package from Kitware, or using MacPorts, Homebrew, or (mini)conda


Download the latest release or the developer branch and build using cmake:

cd faunus
cmake . [OPTIONS]
make faunus
make usagetips # requires `pandoc`, `pypandoc`, `BeautifulSoup4`

Use make help to see all build targets.

The following options are available:

CMake Option Description
-DENABLE_OPENMP=ON Enable OpenMP support
-DENABLE_PYTHON=ON Build python bindings (experimental)
-DENABLE_FREESASA=ON Enable SASA routines (external download)
-DBUILD_STATIC=OFF Build statically linked binaries
-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo Alternatives: Debug or Release (faster)
-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE="..." Compiler options for Release mode
-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG="..." Compiler options for Debug mode
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH="..." Install location (default: /usr/local)
-DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE="..." Full path to Python executable
-DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR="..." Full path to python headers
-DPYTHON_LIBRARY="..." Full path to python library, i.e. libpythonX.dylib/so

Compiling the Manual

Pandoc is required to build the HTML manual:

make manual_html

In addition to pandoc, a TeX Live installation containing XeLaTeX is required to build the PDF manual. The manual is supposed to be typeset with EB Garamond, Garamond Math and Fira Code fonts thus they have to be available in your system. Alternatively, you can tweak the font options in the file.

make manual

Python libraries in odd locations

Should there be multiple compilers or python distributions, be specific:

CC=/opt/bin/clang CXX=/opt/bin/clang++ cmake . \
  -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/opt/bin/python3 \
  -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR=/opt/include/python3.6 \

For solving python issues on macOS, the linked python library can be probed and, if needed, renamed:

otool -L
install_name_tool -change libpython3.6.dylib \

Resetting the build system

To change the compiler or for another reason reset the build system, do:

make clean
rm -fR CMakeCache.txt CMakeFiles


Code Style

If you plan to contribute to Faunus it is recommended to activate the pre-commit hook for automatic styling of all changes:

cd faunus
./scripts/git-pre-commit-format install

This requires clang-format which may also be directly used in IDE’s such as CLion. In the top-level directory of Faunus you will find the style configuration file .clang-format

Also, adhere to the following naming conventions:

Style Elements
PascalCase classes, namespaces
camelCase functions
snake_case variables

Creating a conda package (development usage)

The basic steps for creating a conda package is outlined below, albeit details depend on the build environment. See also the .travis.yml configuration file in the main repository.

conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda install conda-build anaconda-client
cd scripts/
conda-build .
anaconda login
anaconda upload -u USER ... # see output from build step

Instead of uploading to, install a local copy directly after the build step above:

conda install -c USER faunus --use-local