
Faunus can perform on-the-fly analysis during simulation by allowing for an arbitrary number of analysis functions to be added. The list of analysis is defined in the analysis section at the top level input:

    - systemenergy: {file: energy.dat.gz, nstep: 500, nskip: 2000}
    - xtcfile: {file: traj.xtc, nstep: 1000}
    - widom:  {molecule: water, ninsert: 20, nstep: 50}
    - molrdf: {name1: water, name2: water, nstep: 100,
               dr: 0.1, dim: 3, file: rdf.dat}
    - ...

All analysis methods support the nstep keyword that defines the interval between sampling points and the nskip keyword that defines the number of initial steps that are excluded from the analysis. In addition all analysis provide output statistics of number of sample points, and the relative run-time spent on the analysis.


Atomic Density

atom_density Description
nstep=0 Interval between samples

This calculates the average density, $\langle N_i/V \rangle$ of atoms in atomic groups which may fluctuate in e.g. the isobaric ensemble or the Grand Canonical ensemble. For atomic groups, densities of individual atom types are reported. The analysis also files probability density distributions of atomic and polyatomic molecules as well as of atoms involved in id transformations, e.g., acid-base equilibria. The filename format is rho-@name.dat.

Molecule Density

molecule_density Description
nstep=0 Interval between samples

This calculates the average density, $\langle N_i/V \rangle$ of molecular groups which may fluctuate in e.g. the isobaric ensemble or the Grand Canonical ensemble.

Density Profile

atomprofile Description
nstep=0 Interval between samples
atoms=[] List of atom names to sample; [*] selects all
charge=false Calc. charge density instead of density
file Output filename with profile
dr=0.1 Radial resolution
origo=[0,0,0] Center of the profile ($r=0$)
atomcom Atom name; use the mass center of these atoms as origin
dir=[1,1,1] Direction along which the profile is calculated

Calculates the summed density of atoms in spherical, cylindrical or planar shells around origo which by default is the center of the simulation box:

$$ \rho(r) = \frac{\langle N(r) \rangle}{V(r)} $$

The sum of coefficients in dir determines the volume element normalisation:

$d_x+d_y+d_z$ $V(r)$
3 $4\pi r^2 dr$
2 $2\pi r dr$
1 $dr$

This can be used to obtain charge profiles, measure excess pressure etc.

Density Slice

sliceddensity Description
atoms=[] List of atom names to sample; [*] selects all
file Output filename with profile
dz=0.1 Resolution along z-axis
atomcom Atom name; use the mass center z of these atoms as origin
nstep Interval between samples

Calculates the density in cuboidal slices of thickness dz along the z axis. If an atom name is specified for the option atomcom, the z-position of each atom is calculated with respect to the center of mass of the atoms of the given type.


Atomic $g(r)$

Samples the pair correlation function between atom id’s i and j,

$$ g_{ij}(r) = \frac{ N_{ij}(r) }{ \sum_{r=0}^{\infty} N_{ij}(r) } \cdot \frac{ \langle V \rangle }{ V(r) } $$

where $N_{ij}(r)$ is the number of observed pairs, accumulated over the entire ensemble, in the separation interval $[r, r+dr]$ and $V(r)$ is the corresponding volume element which depends on dimensionality, dim.

atomrdf Description
file Output file, two column
name1 Atom name 1
name2 Atom name 2
dr=0.1 $g(r)$ resolution
dim=3 Dimensions for volume element
nstep=0 Interval between samples
slicedir   Direction of the slice for quasi-2D/1D RDFs
thickness Thickness of the slice for quasi-2D/1D RDFs
dim $V(r)$
3 $4\pi r^2 dr$
2 $2\pi r dr$
1 $dr$

By specifying slicedir, the RDF is calculated only for atoms within a cylinder or slice of given thickness. For example, with slicedir=[0,0,1] and thickness=1, the RDF is calculated along z for atoms within a cylinder of radius 1 Å. This quasi-1D RDF should be normalized with dim=1. Likewise, with slicedir=[1,1,0] and thickness=2, the RDF is calculated in the xy plane for atoms with z coordinates differing by less than 2 Å. This quasi-2D RDF should be normalized with dim=2.

Molecular $g(r)$

Same as atomrdf but for molecular mass-centers.

molrdf Description
file Output file, two column
name1 Molecule name 1
name2 Molecule name 2
dr=0.1 $g(r)$ resolution
dim=3 Dimensions for volume element
nstep=0 Interval between samples.

Dipole-dipole Correlation

Sample the dipole-dipole angular correlation, $\langle \pmb{\hat{\mu}}(0)\cdot \pmb{\hat{\mu}}(r) \rangle$, between dipolar atoms and as a function of separation, r. In addition, the radial distribution function, $g(r)$ is sampled and saved to {file}.gofr.dat.

atomdipdipcorr Description
file Output filename
name1 Atom name 1
name2 Atom name 2
dr=0.1 Angular correlation resolution
dim=3 Dimensions for volume element (affects only $g(r)$)
nstep=0 Interval between samples.

Structure Factor

The isotropically averaged static structure factor between $N$ point scatterers is calculated using the Debye formula,

$$ S(q) = 1 + \frac{2}{N} \left \langle \sum_{i=1}^{N-1}\sum_{j=i+1}^N \frac{\sin(qr_{ij})}{qr_{ij}} \right \rangle $$

The selected molecules can be treated either as single point scatterers (com=true) or as a group of individual point scatterers of equal intensity, i.e., with a form factor of unity.

The computation of the structure factor is rather computationally intensive task, scaling quadratically with the number of particles and linearly with the number of scattering vector mesh points. If OpenMP is available, multiple threads may be utilized in parallel to speed it up the analysis.

scatter Description
nstep Interval with which to sample
file Output filename for $I(q)$
molecules List of molecule names to sample (array); [*] selects all
qmin Minimum q value (1/Å)
qmax Maximum q value (1/Å)
dq q spacing (1/Å)
com=true Treat molecular mass centers as single point scatterers
pmax=15 Multiples of $(h,k,l)$ when using the explicit scheme
scheme=explicit The following schemes are available: debye, explicit
stepsave=false Save every sample to disk

The explicit scheme is recommended for cuboids with PBC and the calculation is performed by explicitly averaging the following equation over the 3+6+4 directions obtained by permuting the crystallographic index [100], [110], [111] to define the scattering vector $\mathbf{q} = 2\pi p/L(h,k,l)$ where $p=1,2,\dots,p_{max}$.

$$ S(q) = \frac{1}{N} \left < \left ( \sum_i^N \sin(\mathbf{qr}_i) \right )^2 + \left ( \sum_j^N \cos(\mathbf{qr}_j) \right )^2 \right > $$

The sampled $q$-interval is always $\left [ 2\pi/L,, 2\pi p_{max} \sqrt{3} / L \right ]$, $L$ being the box side length. Only cubic boxes have been tested, but the implementation respects cuboidal systems (untested). For more information, see doi:10.1063/1.449987.

Atomic Inertia Eigenvalues

This calculates the inertia eigenvalues for all particles having a given id. The inertia tensor is defined as

$$ I = \sum_{i=1}^N m_i ( | \bf{t_i} |^2 \mathrm{I} - \bf{t_i} \bf{t_i}^T ) $$

where $\bf{t_i} = \bf{r_i} - \bf{cm}$, $\bf{r_i}$ is the coordinate of the $i$th particle, $\bf{cm}$ is the position of the mass center of the whole group of atoms, $m_i$ is the molecular weight of the $i$th particle, $\bf{I}$ is the identity matrix and $N$ is the number of atoms.

atominertia Description
nstep Interval with which to sample
index Particle id

Inertia Tensor

This calculates the inertia eigenvalues and the principal axis for a range of atoms within a molecular group of given index. Atom coordinates are considered with respect to the mass center of the group. For protein complex, the analysis can be used to calculate the principal axes of the constituent monomers, all originating at the mass center of the complex. The inertia tensor is defined as

$$ I = \sum_{i=1}^N m_i ( | \bf{t_i} |^2 \mathrm{I} - \bf{t_i} \bf{t_i}^T ) $$

where $\bf{t_i} = \bf{r_i} - \bf{cm}$, $\bf{r_i}$ is the coordinate of the $i$th particle, $\bf{cm}$ is the position of the mass center of the whole group of atoms, $m_i$ is the molecular weight of the $i$th particle, $\bf{I}$ is the identity matrix and $N$ is the number of atoms.

inertia Description
nstep Interval with which to sample
indexes Array defining a range of indexes within the molecule
index Index of the molecular group
file Output filename (.dat

Polymer Shape

This calculates the radius of gyration; end-to-end distance; and related fluctuations for a molecular group. A histogram of the radius of gyration will be saved to disk with the name gyration_{molecule}.dat. The output nomenclature follows IUPAC’s recommendations. For further reading regarding gyration tensor analysis and shape, see:

From the principal moments, $\lambda$, the following shape descriptors are calculated:

  • asphericity, $b = \lambda _{{z}}^{{2}}-{\frac{1}{2}}\left(\lambda_{{x}}^{{2}}+\lambda _{{y}}^{{2}}\right)$.
  • acylindricity, $c = \lambda _{{y}}^{{2}}-\lambda _{{x}}^{{2}}$
  • relative shape anisotropy, $\kappa^2 ={\frac{3}{2}}{\frac {\lambda_{{x}}^{{4}}+\lambda_{{y}}^{{4}}+\lambda_{{z}}^{{4}}}{(\lambda _{{x}}^{{2}}+\lambda _{{y}}^{{2}}+\lambda _{{z}}^{{2}})^{{2}}}}-{\frac{1}{2}}$
polymershape Description
nstep Interval with which to sample
molecule Molecule to sample
histogram_resolution=0.2 Rg resolution of histogram (Å)
file Optionally save gyration tensor for each sample (.dat

Note: The ability to select several molecules (molecules keyword) was removed in version 2.5. Instead, add multiple instances of polymershape.

Molecular Conformation

For molecules that can have multiple conformations (using conformational swap moves), this creates a histogram of observed conformations for a given molecule type.

moleculeconformation Description
nstep Interval with which to sample
molecule Molecule name to sample

Group Matrix

As a function of steps, this stores a matrix of group to group properties. The generated matrix is square, symmetric, and with dimensions of the total number of groups in the system (active and inactive). Note that inactive groups are always excluded from the analysis.

property What is reported
energy Sum of nonbonded energy terms in (kT)
com_distance Mass center distance (Å)
min_distance Minimum distance between particles (Å)

The data is streamed in the sparse Matrix Market format and can be further reduced by applying an optional filter defined by an ExprTk expression. In the following example we analyse the nonbonded energy between active molecules of type colloid and only values smaller than -1.0 kT are stored:

  - groupmatrix:
      nstep: 20
      molecules: [colloid]
      property: energy
      filter: "value < -1.0"
      file: energies.mtx.gz

The generated stream of sparse matrices can be loaded into Python for further analysis of e.g. clustering:

from itertools import groupby
import gzip, numpy as np
from import mmread
from io import StringIO
from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import linkage, fcluster
from scipy.spatial.distance import squareform

def iterateMarketFile(file_like):
    ''' generator expression for iterating over Matrix Market file '''
    return (mmread(StringIO(''.join(lines))).todense() for frame, lines in
            groupby(file_like, lambda line: line != '\n') if frame)

with'distances.mtx.gz', 'rt') as f:
    for matrix in iterateMarketFile(f):
        Z = linkage(squareform(matrix), 'single')
        cluster = fcluster(Z, 10.0, criterion='distance') # threshold = 10 Å
        _, counts = np.unique(cluster, return_counts=True)
        print(np.sort(counts)) # cluster size distribution

Charge Properties

Molecular Multipoles

Calculates average molecular multipolar moments and their fluctuations.

multipole Description
nstep Interval between samples.

Multipole Moments

For a range of atoms within a molecular group of given index, this calculates the total charge and dipole moment, as well as the eigenvalues and the major axis of the quadrupole tensor. Atom coordinates are considered with respect to the mass center of the group. For a protein complex, the analysis can be used to calculate, e.g., the dipole vectors of the constituent monomers, all originating at the mass center of the complex. The quadrupole tensor is defined as

$$ Q = \frac{1}{2} \sum_{i=1}^N q_i ( 3 \bf{t_i} \bf{t_i}^T - | \bf{t_i} |^2 \mathrm{I}) $$

where $\bf{t_i} = \bf{r_i} - \bf{cm}$, $\bf{r_i}$ is the coordinate of the $i$th particle, $\bf{cm}$ is the position of the mass center of the whole group of atoms, $q_i$ is the charge of the $i$th particle, $\bf{I}$ is the identity matrix and $N$ is the number of atoms.

multipolemoments Description
nstep Interval with which to sample
indexes Array defining a range of indexes within the molecule
index Index of the molecular group
mol_cm=true  Moments w.r.t. the mass center of the whole molecule (instead of the subgroup)

Electric Multipole Distribution

This will analyse the electrostatic energy between two groups as a function of their mass center separation. Sampling consists of the following:

  1. The exact electrostatic energy is calculated by explicitly summing Coulomb interactions between charged particles
  2. Each group - assumed to be a molecule - is translated into a multipole (monopole, dipole, quadrupole)
  3. Multipolar interaction energies are calculated, summed, and tabulated together with the exact electrostatic interaction energy. Ideally (infinite number of terms) the multipoles should capture full electrostatics

The points 1-3 above will be done as a function of group-to-group mass center separation, $R$ and moments on molecule $a$ and $b$ with charges $q_i$ in position $\boldsymbol{r}_i$ with respect to the mass center are calculated according to:

$$ q_{a/b} = \sum_i q_i \quad \quad \boldsymbol{\mu}_{a/b} = \sum_i q_i\mathbf{r_i} $$

$$ \boldsymbol{Q}_{a/b} = \frac{1}{2} \sum_i q_i\mathbf{r_i} \mathbf{r_i}^T $$

And, omitting prefactors here, the energy between molecule $a$ and $b$ at $R$ is:

$$ u_{\text{ion-ion}} = \frac{q_aq_b}{R} \quad \quad u_{\text{ion-dip}} = \frac{q_a \boldsymbol{\mu}_b \boldsymbol{R}}{R^3} + … $$

$$ u_{\text{dip-dip}} = \frac{\boldsymbol{\mu_a}\boldsymbol{\mu_b} }{ R^3 } - \frac{3 (\boldsymbol{\mu_a} \cdot \boldsymbol{R}) ( \boldsymbol{\mu_b}\cdot\boldsymbol{R}) }{R^5} $$

$$ u_{\text{ion-quad}} = \frac{ q_a \boldsymbol{R}^T \boldsymbol{Q}_b \boldsymbol{R} }{R^5}-\frac{q_a \mbox{tr}(\boldsymbol{Q}_b) }{R^3}+ … $$

$$ u_{\text{total}} = u_{\text{ion-ion}} + u_{\text{ion-dip}} + u_{\text{dip-dip}} + u_{\text{ion-quad}} $$

$$ u_{\text{exact}} = \sum_i^a\sum_j^b \frac{q_iq_j}{ | \boldsymbol{r_i} - \boldsymbol{r_j} | } $$

During simulation, the above terms are thermally averaged over angles, co-solute degrees of freedom etc. Note also that the moments are defined with respect to the mass center, not charge center. While for globular macromolecules the difference between the two is often small, the latter is more appropriate and is planned for a future update.

The input keywords are:

multipoledist Description
nstep Interval between samples
file Output file name
molecules Array with exactly two molecule names, $a$ and $b$
dr Distance resolution (Å) along R.

Charge Fluctuations

For a given molecule, this calculates the average charge and standard deviation per atom, and the most probable species (atom name) averaged over all present molecules. A PQR file of a random molecule with average charges and most probable atomic species can be saved.

chargefluctuations Description
nstep Interval between samples
nskip=0 Number of initial steps excluded from the analysis
molecule Name of molecular group
pqrfile Output PQR file (optional)
verbose=True If True, add results to general output

Electric Potential

electricpotential Description
nstep Interval between samples
nskip=0 Number of initial steps excluded from the analysis
epsr Dielectric constant
type Coulomb type, plain etc. -- see energies
structure Either a filename (pqr, aam, gro etc) or a list of positions
policy=fixed Policy used to augment positions before each sample event, see below
ncalc Number of potential calculations per sample event
stride Separation between target points when using random_walk or no_overlap

This calculates the mean electric potential, $\langle \phi_i \rangle$ and correlations, $\langle \phi_1\phi_2 …\rangle$ at an arbitrary number of target positions in the simulation cell. The positions, given via structure, can be augmented using a policy:

policy Description
fixed Expects a list of fixed positions where the potential is measured
random_walk Assign random position to first target; while following targets are randomly placed stride distance from previous.
no_overlap As random_walk but with no particle overlap (size defined by sigma, see Topology)

Histograms of the correlation and the potentials at the target points are saved to disk.


- electricpotential:
    nstep: 20
    ncalc: 10
    epsr: 80
    type: plain
    policy: random_walk
    stride: 10   # in angstrom
      - [0,0,0]  # defines two target points...
      - [0,0,0]  # ...positions are randomly set

Reaction Coordinate

This saves a given reaction coordinate as a function of steps. The generated output file has three columns:

  1. step number
  2. the value of the reaction coordinate
  3. the cummulative average of all preceding values.

Optional gzip compression can be enabled by suffixing the filename with .gz, thereby reducing the output file size significantly. The folowing example reports the mass center $z$ coordinate of the first molecule every 100th steps:

- reactioncoordinate:
    {nstep: 100, file: cmz.dat.gz, type: molecule, index: 0, property: com_z}

In the next example, the angle between the principal molecular axis and the $xy$-plane is reported by diagonalising the gyration tensor to find the principal moments:

- reactioncoordinate:
    {nstep: 100, file: angle.dat.gz, type: molecule, index: 0, property: angle, dir: [0,0,1]}


In the above examples we stored two properties as a function of steps. To join the two files and calculate the average angle as a function of the mass center coordinate, z, the following python code may be used:

import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import binned_statistic

def joinRC(filename1, filename2, bins):
    x = np.loadtxt(filename1, usecols=[1])
    y = np.loadtxt(filename2, usecols=[1])
    means, edges, bins = binned_statistic(x, y, 'mean', bins)
    return (edges[:-1] + edges[1:]) / 2, means

cmz, angle = joinRC('cmz.dat.gz', 'angle.dat.gz', 100)
np.diff(cmz) # --> cmz resolution; control w. `bins`

Note that Numpy automatically detects and decompresses .gz files. Further, the command line tools zcat, zless etc. are useful for handling compressed files.


System Sanity

It is wise to always assert that the simulation is internally sane. This analysis checks the following and aborts if insane:

  • all particles are inside the simulation boundaries
  • molecular mass centers are correct
  • …more to be added.

To envoke, use for example - sanity: {nstep: 1} by default, nstep=-1, meaning it will be run at the end of simulation, only. This is not a particularly time-consuming analysis and we recommend that it is enabled for all simulations.

System Energy

Calculates the energy contributions from all terms in the Hamiltonian and outputs to a file as a function of steps. If filename ends with .csv, a comma separated value file will be saved, otherwise a simple space separated file with a single hash commented header line. To enable GZip compression, suffix the filename with .gz. All units in $k_BT$.

systemenergy Description
file Output filename (.dat, .csv, .dat.gz)
nstep Interval between samples

Penalty function

If a penalty function is added to the hamiltonian, this can dump it to disk at a specified interval. At each sample event, the filename counter is incremented and follows the convention. In addition to the penalty energy, this will also save the current (numbered) histogram.

penaltyfunction Description
file Output filename (.dat, .dat.gz)
nstep Interval between samples
nskip=0 Number of initial steps excluded from the analysis


Virtual Volume Move

Performs a virtual volume move by scaling the simulation volume to $V+\Delta V$ along with molecular mass centers and atomic positions. The excess pressure is evaluated as a Widom average:

$$ p^{ex} = \frac{k_BT}{\Delta V} \ln \left\langle e^{-\delta u / k_BT} \right\rangle_{NVT} $$

If file is given, the pressure as a function of steps is written to a (compressed) file.

virtualvolume Description
dV Volume perturbation (ų)
nstep Interval between samples
file Optional output filename (.dat, .dat.gz)
scaling=isotropic Volume scaling method (isotropic, xy, z)

By default, the volume is isotropically scaled, but for more advanced applications of volume perturbations - pressure tensors, surface tension etc., see here. If a non-isotropic scaling is used, an extra column will be added to the output file containing the change in area (xy) or length (z). See also the documentation for the Monte Carlo Volume move.

Virtual Translate Move

Performs a virtual displacement, $dL$, of a single molecule in the direction dir and measure the force by perturbation,

$$ f = \frac {k_BT \ln \langle \exp{\left (-dU/k_BT \right )} \rangle_0 }{ dL } $$

virtualtranslate Description
molecule Molecule name; only one of these is allowed in the system
dL Displacement (Å)
dir=[0,0,1] Displacement direction (length ignored)
nstep Interval between samples
file Optional output filename for writing data as a function of steps (.dat|.dat.gz)

Widom Insertion

This will insert a non-perturbing ghost molecule into the system and calculate a Widom average to measure the free energy of the insertion process, i.e. the excess chemical potential:

$$ \mu^{ex} = -k_BT \ln \left\langle e^{-\delta u/k_BT} \right\rangle_0 $$

where $\delta u$ is the energy change of the perturbation and the average runs over the unperturbed ensemble. If the molecule has atomic=true, $\delta u$ includes the internal energy of the inserted group. This is useful for example to calculate the excess activity coefficient of a neutral salt pair. Upon insertion, random positions and orientations are generated. For use with rod-like particles on surfaces, the absz keyword may be used to ensure orientations on only one half-sphere.

Exactly one inactive molecule must be added to the simulation using the inactive keyword when inserting the initial molecules in the topology.

widom Description
molecule Name of inactive molecule to insert (atomic or molecular)
ninsert Number of insertions per sample event
dir=[1,1,1] Inserting directions
absz=false Apply std::fabs on all z-coordinates of inserted molecule
nstep Interval between samples

Positions and Trajectories

Save State

savestate Description
file File to save; format detected by file extension: pqr, aam, gro, xyz, json/ubj
saverandom=false Save the state of the random number generator
nstep=-1 Interval between samples; if -1 save at end of simulation
convert_hexagon Convert hexagonal prism to space-filling cuboid; pqr only (default: false)

Saves the current configuration or the system state to file. For grand canonical simulations, the PQR file format sets charges and radii of inactive particles to zero and positions them in one corner of the box.

If the suffix is json or ubj (binary), a single state file that can be used to restart the simulation is saved with the following information:

  • topology: atom, molecule
  • particle and group properties incl. positions
  • geometry
  • state of random number generator (if saverandom=true)

If nstep is greater than zero, the output filename will be tagged with the current step count.

Space Trajectory (experimental)

Save all particle and group information to a compressed, binary trajectory format. The following properties are saved:

  • all particle properties (id, position, charge, dipole etc.)
  • all group properties (id, size, capacity etc.)
  • todo: geometry, energy

The file suffix must be either .traj (uncomressed) or .ztraj (compressed). For the latter, the file size is reduced by roughly a factor of two using zlib compression.

spacetraj Description
file Filename of output .traj/.ztraj file
nstep Interval between samples.

XTC trajectory

Generates a Gromacs XTC trajectory file with particle positions and box dimensions as a function of steps. Both active and inactive atoms are saved.

xtcfile Description
file Filename of output xtc file
nstep Interval between samples.
nskip=0 Number of initial steps excluded from the analysis
molecules=* Array of molecules to save (default: all)

Charge-Radius trajectory

Most trajectory file formats do not support a fluctuating number of particles. For each nstep, this analysis files charge and radius information for all particles. Inactive particles are included with zero charge and radius.

Using a helper script for VMD (see scripts/) this information can be loaded to visualise flutuating charges and or number of particles. The script should be sourced from the VMD console after loading the trajectory, or invoked when launching VMD:

vmd confout.pqr traj.xtc -e scripts/vmd-qrtraj.tcl
qrfile Description
file=qrtraj.dat Output filename (.dat
nstep Interval between samples
nskip=0 Number of initial steps excluded from the analysis

Patchy Sphero-Cylinder trajectory

This will save a text trajectory containing the number of particles, box dimensions, midpoint positions, direction, and patch direction of PSCs. Using the provided python 2 script, this can be used to visualise a simulation in Visual Molecular Dynamics (VMD):

python2 -i tracjectory.dat -o movie.pdb --psf movie.psf
vmd -e vmd.script
psctraj Description
file Output filename (.dat
nstep Interval between samples
nskip=0 Number of initial steps excluded from the analysis


This tracks atom or molecule mass center displacements with respect to a (dynamic) reference position that can be updated at given intervals. To access distances larger than the box dimensions, jumps across periodic boundaries are detected whereby the position enters a new unit cell. A boundary jump is defined as a particle movement larger than max_displacement which by default is set to one fourth of the box length. A histogram of the squared displacements in a given time interval (𝜏) is saved to disk. The variant displacement_com expects a molecular molecule and analyses mass centers instead of single particle positions.

displacement Description
nstep Interval between samples
nskip=0 Number of initial steps excluded from the analysis
molecule Atomic group to analyse
reset_interval Interval beween reference position resets, 𝜏 (steps)
file x y z trajectory of first particle (optional, .dat.gz)
histogram_resolution=1.0 P(r) resolution (Å)
max_displacement=L/4 Used to detect PBC jumps. Default: min. box length / 4
histogram_file Default: displacement_histogram_{molname}.dat